Business / personal name

Grange Garden Services

Primary telephone number:


About you and your business ( please complete)

Customer satisfaction is paramount at Grange Garden Services. We take great pride in providing a first class service. Every job undertaken is carried out to the highest standards. Anthony O'Brien holds Horticultural qualifications from the Royal Horticultural Society and Natural Sciences qualifications from the Open University. He also holds NPTC proficiency certification in the safe and responsible use of power tool equipment. He has been employed in many areas of Horticulture since 1990 and brings a great deal of experience to your garden. There is a constant emphasis on maintaining and improving safety. All of our power equipment is of the highest standard and properly maintained. Environmental considerations are also paramount. Pesticides and Fertilizers (when required) are used with great care and according to regulations. Customers can choose not to use pesticides on their property, alternative options can be discussed where appropriate. We also use modern fuel/oils that are safer for the operator and the environment. Garden waste is removed to an EPA licensed facility for recycling.

Business category

Landscaper, Garden Designer, Domestic Garden Maintenance, Commercial Grounds/Garden Maintenance, Lawn Care, Pesticide Application

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